June Daskalakis

As a visual artist specializing in mixed media/assemblage, with a background in fiber arts, I combine a variety of materials into my studio practice. Currently, my work focuses mainly on hand-cut collage, acrylic, ink, and found items on canvas. My process is hands-on and engages most of my senses: the tactile experience of handling materials, the scent of paints, the use of a wide range of magnifying instruments, the faint clicking of scissors. 

For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

I’m hooked on the act of making and doing my art; blending nostalgia, fantasy, and surrealism to create visual narratives. Films, dreams, literature, and random conversations fuel my imagination. As far back as I can remember I’ve created art to imagine & re-imagine a place formed from dreams. I value surrealistic dreams for their poetic content, as documentation from a marvelous alternate world, whose symbolism fills me with delight and a constant source of inspiration.

Mnemonic Engine

For more information, visit my website and Instagram.
