April 2018

Soul Food: Larry Brenden

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Opening Reception:
Second Saturday
April 14, 6 pm – 9 pm


As a child, while growing up in Western Washington, my parents allowed me to explore alone in the woods and in a row boat on a deserted lake. During these times, I developed a love for nature and exploration. As an adult, I wanted to recapture this childhood love of exploration. The camera became my tool for sharing these adventures.   The series Soul Food was born from this sense of love, adventure, and exploration.

When wandering in wild places the stresses of daily life seem to disappear, and I feel free to express my wonder using the camera. I prefer to be alone as it allows me to become one with the world around me.   I look for light, color, and then work to create intimate photographs. When immersed with wilderness around me the images seem to find me. I sometimes enter an alternate state where my heart instead of brain is in control with an almost spiritual result. Instead of trying to document what I see, my motivation is to express a more intimate, personal view of what surrounds me. I want to find the essence of a place.

Soul Food is a select collection of photographs taken in such varied places as New Zealand, Iceland, Alaska, the Upper Michigan Peninsula, and the Western United states. All the photographs are printed by the artist and sold in small limited editions.